Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chicken with Lemon, Caper Artichoke Sauce over Wild Rice and Chickpea with parsley, lemon and sundried tomato salad

So, as usual I am a day behind!!!  Just figures.  So much to do and so little time.  Well, I have actually caught myself up because today I made a lunch recipe, so it is already finished...I guess I will just have two posts today. 
Mmm, chicken.  You can do anything with chicken. That's why we love it right?
Well, this recipe was a total experiment.  And it is not totally from scratch, but delicious just the same.  Josh loved it...and that is hard to do, unless of course it is tacos. 
Anyways, in yesterdays paper I read about this family who go on a "spending vacation".  Not like they go and spend, spend, spend...but that they vacation from that exactly.  They don't spend money for a whole month.  I, myself, think this is impossible...but much good luck wished to them!  They fill up their gas tanks...car pool when they can..make any gifts that they have to give...etc. etc.  Oh yeah, and try to use up everything in their pantry without going shopping.  Although I have a pretty stocked pantry, as I've mentioned before...I'm not sure I could go a month without going to the store.  My family might divorce me.
Yesterday, I had grilled chicken on the menu.  The chicken was all defrosted and ready to go, but it was 20degrees out and who want to grill?  I had a side salad made, which was my original "recipe of the day", but change of plans! Check the pantry lady!  Well, well, well...look what we can create...  Pan seared chicken, jared lemon caper sauce, some frozen artichokes, boxed wild rice and WHA-LA.  Something my family ate without having to hear the "ugh" sound underneath their breath.  (Thank G-d!) 
Looking for this quick easy recipe???  Because I always do leave out a special little something unless you follow the blog and request the recipe...
Have a great day!

Also the Chickpea salad with parsley, lemon and sundried tomato came out amazing... and I am for sure not one who loves sundried tomatoes.  Just sayin'!

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