Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chicken and Vegetable Mu-Shu

Three out of four times when Josh orders lunch at work it is Chinese food.  Shrimp Mu-shu to be exact.  I like chinese food, but maybe once or twice a year.  I am just not sure how they can eat it so often. 

I happened to be in the mood for Chinese, so I bought a Mu-shu Hoisin Sauce at the supermarket.  I figured it couldn't be that hard to create, and I was right.   Although I had shrimp, we had just had it last night, so I made this dish with chicken instead.  I used up a few veggies I had left in the fridge and just stir-fried everything together.  Served over rice.  Simple, quick and easy...which works out well when you have a sick kiddo at home. :-(  Poor Marcus...he has a stomach virus.   

Josh liked it though, so I'm glad I tried it!

"Have a good day and a nice forever!"

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