Monday, March 7, 2011

Cuban Black Beans and Rice

Ok...I admit.  This was a planned "I don't want have to think about dinner" kind of dinner.  I have made it before and the boys just love it!  So does Eva...after we have realized she has a great love for black beans.  LOL.
Slow cooker recipe.  I love these!  Buy ingredients...Put them all in a pot...walk away for 6-8 hours...come back and dinner is ready.  Ahhhh.  So easy!  Sometimes I don't love slow cooker recipes, and this is another "not my favorite dish", but when Marcus and Josh will eat these beans in 6 different forms over the course of the next two days...I am HAPPY!!!  Mainly because it cost $3 to make.
Friday afternoon I threw all of my ingredients into a pot, left Josh to watch Eva and went to a wake.  Dinner was all ready for him, whenever he felt like eating.  Eva too. Marcus was at his dads. This night, the beans were served over rice with some shredded cheddar and hot sauce.  If I were home, I would have crumbled some hard boiled eggs over them...YUMMY! 
Day number two...lunch.  Toast a whole wheat tortilla with some shredded cheese on it...add salsa and shredded lettuce.  Amazing bean and cheese burrito/taco.  (HELLO!!!  Don't you remember the Muskat/Fabrizio obsession with tacos????)
Day number three...breakfast.  Scrambled eggs with black beans and fresh sliced tomatoes.  (Side story...a few years ago, Josh took a sailing trip for 10 days with his dad and brother and this is what they ate for breakfast.  EVERY DAY.  ON A BOAT.  IN THE CARIBBEAN.  No, I'm not jealous...not at all(big.fat.lie.).   He told me about this delicious breakfast and I have been making it ever since, but with plain black beans.  These may be better!)  So anyways...yes...perfect breakfast!  Although Marcus can't eat this quite yet...due to an allergy to eggs...hopefully one day he can enjoy the breakfast with "awesome beans".  Until then, if I let him, he may put them on his shredded wheat.  haha.
So, although I skipped my Saturday and Sunday recipe...I'll just let you know...they are coming.  I made chicken tacos/enchiladas for dinner on Sunday...and Josh finished these beans as a side with his dinner. 
So if you're family is obsessed with black beans and/or Mexican need this recipe.  Comment below and I'll send it over. 
Smile cause it's sunny!


  1. How funny. I just soaked some black bean yesterday and cooked them last night. Not in a crock pot though. Give me the recipe for crock pot cooking of the dried black beans.

  2. Okay, so now I'm a follower, now can you send me the recipe? My beans came out good cooking them on the stove, but I love the slow cooker methods for just about everything.

    BTW - bought the dark choc from the bulk dept that you told me about. Oh MY GOD!!! Why ever did you tell me about it. I'm totally addicted - thanks!

  3. It still does not show you as a follower...
