Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Soft Chicken Tacos with Homemade Guacamole

Every few weeks I buy one of those roasted chickens at the supermarket.  They are great for chicken soup, chicken salad, and chicken enchilladas.  My favorite part of the whole "taco situation" is the guacamole.  I have perfected it!
I love avocados.  Always have.  I love the ceremony of eating an avocado.  The peeling, taking out the pit.  I don't know why, I just do.  Maybe because it was always one of my jobs as a kid.  I can hear Carole now, saying, "Danielle, peel the avocados!"  We used to just eat them with a pinch of salt on them.  We also used to try to grow an avocado tree by putting the pit in water.  My sister has been the only one who has kind of succeeded in doing this.  She actually planted hers once and it grew about two feet tall...
So anyways...back to the chicken tacos.  It may seem a little crazy, but we have never tried chicken tacos.  We've had turkey tacos, fish tacos, obviously beef tacos...but never chicken tacos.  Weird right? 
In all of the cook books that I have, the mexican recipes have cocoa powder or cinammon in them.  It doesn't really sound appealing to me.  Has anyone tried it?  I'm curious to know if it tastes good.  I usually leave it out.
I like to let the boys assemble their own tacos...that way if they don't like something they can leave it out.  Or if they do like something, like I like the guacamole, they can have a little more.  Marcus would use an entire container of sour cream if we let him.  I had a can of chipotles en adobo sauce in the pantry, so I brought that out.  I had some red cabbage in the fridge, I brought that out too.  Use your imagination...or if you just want my recipe...follow the blog and leave a comment below.  I'll send it over. 
I think we will try chicken tacos again, but I will make my own fresh chicken next time.
Have a good week!

"Start today with a positive thought."                                                                                                                                        

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