Friday, March 11, 2011

Meatball Hero Sandwiches

Do I know my guys or do I know my guys...How the heck can you go wrong with a meatball sandwich??  You can't!  Not in this house.
Although these sandwiches are also known as hoagies, po'boys, subs and grinders, I found out a funny little fact about the name hero.  Because of the size, it was always an accomplishment to finish...making those who did "heroes."  Just a fun little fact for you.
I have my own meatball recipe that I always follow, but for this dinner I tried something new.  You'll never believe it, but I added crushed cornflakes to the meatballs.  I didn't admit that to the boys until after they actually ate them and agreed they were some of the best meatballs they've ever had.  My regular meatballs are plain...I add some sauteed onions, stale bread soaked in milk, salt and pepper...very plain jane.  Besides the cornflakes, I added a few other things this time too.  But as you probably already know you have to be a follower of the blog to get them...
Josh always believed in jarred sauce before we started dating.  I don't.  I have found a certain brand of crushed tomatoes that I love the taste of, and in about 15 minutes can have an amazing "quick sauce." Which was of course perfect for our heros. 
Some nice fresh rolls and a garden salad completed our nice easy dinner.
I have no picture for this post because before I remembered, the four of us had eaten 30 meatballs.  OMG!!
Have a happy day...
"There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day."

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